Angaben gemäß § 5 TMG

SMF Hofstetter PCB GmbH
Ohmstraße 5/4
71083 Herrenberg

commercial register: HRB 766238
registry court: Amtsgericht Stuttgart

Supervisory authority:
Landratsamt Böblingen, Parkstrasse 16, 71034 Böblingen

Represented by:
Dipl. Ing. Andreas Stütz

Terms of Service

Download AGBs (PDF; 166 KB)


phone +49 7032 9565657
fax +49 7032 9597476

Tax ID

Sales tax identification number according to § 27 a sales tax law:
DE 366424423

Editorial responsibility

Timo Hörmann
Ohmstraße 5/4
71083 Herrenberg

source: eRecht24

Professional Liability Insurance

The professional activity is secured by a pecuniary damage liability insurance with BüchnerBarella Assekuranzmakler GmbH (Jägerweg 1, 76532 Baden-Baden), this applies throughout the EU in connection with the insured risks.

Images used

Immer im Eile – Stockfoto – Ziga Plahutar


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